History #
In the year 2951, a visionary spacefaring group, The Unnamed, was founded. by four pioneering minds: A brilliant engineer, a strategic mastermind, an innovative entrepreneur, and a fearless explorer. Each member held equal say in the company’s decisions, fostering a collaborative and democratic environment, that than spread to create an organization rooted in equal say, and opportunity to all members.
From this meager few, the Unnamed has grown. Our reputation has spread and now we are calling on aspiring cargo haulers to security specialists to make the Unnamed a truly self sustaining organization primed to gain a strong foothold in the Verse.
Manifesto #
The Unnamed is membership focused.
Are you tired of flying alone? Wish you had a partner to help you complete that bunker? Wondering how to gain your first million? Ever wanted to party on an 890 Jump?
We are tightly focused on becoming an Economic Powerhouse of Star Citizen. We are doing this by building in-house tools to help reach our objectives. One facet of this is empowering our members to be part of a strong teamplay dynamic with access to fellow organization players.
Our members enjoy many incentives; custom branding, community giveaways, dynamic events, and more!
Charter #
We aren’t strict – but we do value our/your mental health.
We have a few rules that everyone needs to agree too.
Our Rules
- No Racist or Hate Speech, Toxic attitudes etc…
- We are an adult community, we welcome those who are above 18 to join our ranks.
- Greifing, Trolling, and Toxic gameplay are frowned upon, which will lead to a swift removal.
- Be active, meet our community, we want everyone to want to be a part of our Organization.
- Respect the event, play the role