Recruitment Guide

Channels: #

Main Server: #

  • 「📊」voting: The location of polls of recruits for members to vote on, you now have access to create these.
  • 「💼」rec-stuff: The main bot spam channel, used to be the main recruitment channel before the staff discord, so it has old logs of stuff.
  • 「🦑」join-unnamed: The location of all applications. They appear in thread formats under the channel and you can find all of the inactive ones via the thread button in the channel.
  • 📋︱app-log: The location of bot messages when a user gets the recruit role. It pings them (only visible to staff) with a message that they received the recruit role.
  • 💼︱role-log: The location of all staff role updates. Most, if not all staff roles, when applied to a user get shown here similar to how the app-log has it.
  • 📋︱unn-log: The location of role updates sent by the bot when somebody gets the Unnamed Member role.
  • 🎫︱ticket-archives > applications-archive: The location of all application ticket transcripts. Only shown after ticket is closed.

Staff Server: #

  • 「🔋」rec-lounge: The location of the main recruitment chat. This is where we discuss recruitment topics and ideas.
  • 「🔋」member-data: The location where all necessary information about recruits is stored. You have access to create these and are required to for each recruit.
  • 「🔋」community-apps: The location of all applications once completed by the applicant.
  • 「🔋」acceptance-logs: The location of all acceptance messages and information used for member acceptances, used by management for logging the info, only viewable by all recruiters.

Commands: #

!ticketafk #

Used when an applicant has not responded in their ticket or submitted their application within 24 hours of creation.

!steamid #

Used to help an applicant find their Steam64 ID, displays a prompt with the steps and a website to use. This is only needed for Squad applicants.

!reforgerid #

Used to help an applicant find their Reforger ID, displays a prompt with the steps on how to get it. This is only needed for Arma Reforger applicants.

!rsi *rsiid* #

Used to find an applicants RSI page, displays a prompt with a link to their account viewable by anyone. This is only needed for Star Citizen applicants.

/profile (unlinked) #

Used to link an applicants Discord to our Squad servers, when unlinked it appears like the image below. This is only needed for Squad applicants.

/profile (linked) #

Used to link an applicants Discord to our Squad servers, when linked it appears like the image below. This is only needed for Squad applicants.

!newapp or /newapp (interchangeable) #

Used to give an applicant the recruit role, displays a prompt with instructions this is the final step in the applicants process before becoming a recruit. This is only to be used for applicants of our supported games (Squad, Star Citizen, Arma, and War Thunder)

!comapp or /comapp (interchangeable) #

Used to give an applicant the recruit role, displays a prompt with instructions this is the final step in the applicants process before becoming a recruit. This is only to be used for applicants of our unsupported games (If they do not play Squad, Star Citizen, Arma, or War Thunder)

Tickets and Applications: #

The application process begins once an applicant opens a ticket in the #join-unnamed channel. This will appear in thread format just below the channel.

Once an applicant opens a ticket, they will be sent a DM from the ticket-tool bot with the link to the application, however they can also find this link at the top of their ticket.

Greeting The Applicant: Upon the opening of a ticket, you are expected to professionally greet the applicant, tell them to fill out the application if they have not already, and ask if they have any questions. Once doing this, you have claimed this ticket and are expected to process the applicant, however if you cannot please inform the team in the #rec-lounge so they know they can take it.

Claims: Tickets are done based off of first come first serve claims. Whichever Recruitment Officer types first in a ticket has claim on said ticket, meaning that you should not be typing in that ticket without asking the claiming Recruiter. The only people with an exemption to this rule are Recruitment Managers and Executives, who may be stepping in to correct something or assist.

Applicant View: #

The applicant sees the following when filling out the application:

If a user selects the “Community” option for the “Applying To Unn. For”, it will take then m to a different page than shown in the video, however the only difference is that a few questions are removed (such as the ID’s and exclusivity agreement)

Recruiter View: #

Once an applicant fills out the application, you will receive a ping in #community-apps. You are expected to read through each answer and check the correct information shown in the steps below.

Things To Look For: #

The main things to look for include the ID’s, Answer to the agreements, and a short skim through of their answers to the questions.

  • If they are applying for Squad, you want to check their SteamID on Battlemetrics (guide further down the page, select “Squad Guide” on the quick access panel to jump to it).
  • If they are applying for Star Citizen, you will need to check their RSI page (guide further down the page, select “RSI Guide” on the quick access panel to jump to it).
  • If they are applying for Arma Reforger, you will need to check their ReforgerID on Battlemetrics (guide further down the page, select “Reforger Guide” on the quick access panel to jump to it).
  • If they are applying for War Thunder, there are no special steps to do.

Squad Guide: #

There are a few steps needed for Squad applicants after looking over their application. First you will need to look at their Battlemetrics, and then you will need them to link their profile, guides shown below.

Battlemetrics: #

Firstly, you will need to go to the “Players” tab at the top of the page on Battlemetrics.

Once there, you will see the page shown in the image below. On this page, the main areas you’ll need are highlighted.

The section labeled “Search” is where you will paste the applicants Steam64 ID into, and then you will click “Quick Match” which will take you to their Battlemetrics page.

  • If you receive a message that says “We were unable to find any players that matched your query” (also shown in the image below), then the applicant likely gave you the wrong Steam64 ID. This happens! So in their ticket, just type “!steamid” and tell them to follow the steps and to send you the Steam64 ID it provides.

  • If you continue to get the error message with the new Steam ID, ask if they have played on our servers before, since a user will not show up if they have not connected to our servers.

If the applicants Steam64 ID works, then you will see a page similar to the one shown below.

  • Red Box: All previous identifiers (usernames and Id’s), you will want to check this for any previous name history that might cause problems or show any red flags. You can select the blue “All Identifiers” button just below the box to open the page to view all of them.

  • Green Box: All user activity in game is shown, you can give this a light skim through just to make sure the applicant is not a problem player or being toxic/negative constantly.

  • Yellow Box: This will show all of the basic Steam information, if the user has aa VAC ban, that means that they were banned from cheating on a game. If the time since ban shows over 365 days then they are able to connect to our server, however we would like to see plenty of in game activity on our server (so we can make sure they aren’t going to cheat again) before allowing them to join. Minimum 400 days since last VAC ban to apply.

  • Blue Box: These are all of the user’s flags. If you hover your mouse cursor over one of the icons it will show when it was added and what it is for. These are used when there is not enough evidence for a ban or if a user was kicked, but overall to show that they have a history. If you see any flags that are recent you can bring it up with them, but if there are any that you believe are disqualifying for membership you can always ask in #rec-lounge. Use your best judgement.

  • (Not boxed) Current & Past bans: This is where bans will appear if a user has any. This is something that is very important to pay attention to. If a user has a ban it will show as a blue link with the reason why they were banned, the community they were banned from, and the date they were banned. We do not allow applications within one month of a ban and use your best judgement from there, depending on how long ago the ban was be sure to bring up our rules and have them read through those and promise not to break them.

  • Red Box: This box is all admin messages that have been applied to this user, these do include bot messages so it is a very full area and not too important.

  • Blue Box: These are notes, which can be applied from our admin team or other communiuties’ admin teams. These can be used to leave a message on a players profile to highlight bad history of something or a report, read through these carefully if you see one and if there is one about cheating (very rare) please inform the Recruitment Management team and let them handle it.

The image above shows the amount of playtime per server, you will likely not see as many servers as shown above, more likely one or two. Our minimum playtime is 5 hours, if an applicant has not reached that time (or very close to it), then tell them to come back once they’ve played on the server a bit.

Profile Linking: #

When a user needs to link their profile, they will need to type a code into any of our Squad servers. This code can be found by typing /profile and selecting the ‘user’ option, and selecting their user in their ticket.

From there they will click the green button that says “Link Steam” and will need to type the code it DM’s them into one of our Squad servers. This code has a quick expiration timer, so be sure to inform them of that and have them click the button once in the server. If they do it too soon they can just click the button again for a new code.

(Only viewable by applicant)

What are your feelings
Updated on March 18, 2025