Creating cooler AI #
First things first, this is for SEEDING servers, if a server is full pop (or past 100) the AI won’t spawn anyway (sometimes). This is to keep people from being bored during the low populated hours of gameplay.
Secondly, NEVER and I mean NEVER spawn AI directly in front of someone who can see them appear, this ruins immersion and takes away from the coolness factor of the events in general. Now with that out of the way, lets move to creating better looking AI.
There is 1 way and 1 way only to create AI that ACTUALLY SHOOTS players. Spawn however many non aggressive AI you want, and add them all into a single group, using “Create new AI group”

Spawn an FIA faction member, doesn’t matter which, it just needs to have the green faction.

Drag the non aggressive group onto the FIA group icon, you should now have a group of aggressive AI, you can delete the FIA guy you spawned earlier by selecting him only and pressing delete. The group will behave exactly like normal FIA just with cooler outfits and better weapons.
Creating Events! #
First, depending on the map, determine where you are hosting the event. For example, in Everon the middle of the map is 06, teams should not take points passed Lamentin, Campgrounds, and Farm.

This means you should either use one of those points OR find a town between them still near the middle of the map that both teams have fair access to.
My favorite town to use is Provins. it has a potential spawn for each team near or on a main road and is very central which leads to less issues of people over extending and ruining the seed. Whatever you use, make it fair.

First set up the opposition, use the guide above if you want them to look fancier (they act the same) Roadblocks and checkpoints to limit heavy vehicles rolling in and killing everything are usually a must unless you want the event to end quickly.

Using the defend option for AI groups will auto occupy mounted MGs or guard barricades etc.

Using search and destroy will make the AI aware of a target if placed on them or can be used to hunt to an area, but will complete eventually.

You can make the AI “patrol” an area by placing some “Relaxed move” markers and turning on the “Follow orders indefinitely” option. They will just repeat those moves over and over.

After your AI is all set up, depending on the event you wanna run you can pick a variety of different “objectives” to be done. You could spawn a civilian hiding in a house as a VIP in need of rescue (the AI will not shoot civilians).

Or you could spawn an FIA commander to be a HVT and change his outfit to be more distinguishable and give him a name like “TanMan” or something that fits his personality.
To do this just spawn some arsenals from the faction you want guns/clothes from and control the AI you spawn and use them.

The arsenals will not work unless you pick USA or USSR then right click on it and go to the properties section and select No in the “Enable supplies” option so you don’t need supplies to grab items.

Try not to make yourself look too similar to one faction or another. Pick things that stand out or would be recognizable.
Say hello to TanMan, he’s very visible and different from the other AI and players.

Feel free to control the HVT and murder everyone during the event, or maybe knock them out and strip them and patch them up. Whatever seems more fun to you and the players participating. Remember some people may not think certain things are funny/fun as you do. Being stranded with no weapons or clothing can be considered a nuisance, so don’t make people leave. Overall this is supposed to be a fun REWARDING event. More on that later.
The last step is to announce the event. You can use /amsg (your message here) to bring up an alert that will display to the entire game.

Please don’t use it excessively as it can be annoying and intrusive. Once to announce the event, and once to announce the winner/reward. The rest can be done through global chat using a Civilian (turns text purple/more noticeable)

Event Rewards #
Honestly these can vary greatly and can even be related to the event you just ran, or be completely random. Some examples could be the AI guarding a vehicle that the winning team gets to keep, another could be a one time Cruise missile strike on a designated grid. You are only limited by your imagination and what is and isn’t allowed on the server. DO NOT SPAWN VEHICLES OR ITEMS THAT CAN NOT BE SPAWNED IN NORMALLY!
If you go the route of missile strikes, you can set up a tab for these and other special effects that could improve the immersion of events or normal gameplay.
Pick a tab you want to turn into the “GM fun” section, then hit Tab to open the entity browser and on the right make sure these 3 and only these are checked

Your tab should now look like this when you exit the entity browser

In this tab you will find many fun things, a lot of which can/will kill players.
Use scroll wheel to get to the last page of the tab and find these 3, these are the strikes that you can call in. They take time to reach the target but once you call it in on the grid requested don’t move it. The largest one is the KH-55 (by a lot) followed by the FAB-500, then the F/A-18C.

The person that called it in does NOT know where the enemies are unless they can see them already in which case they can shoot them.
This isn’t supposed to guarantee any kills, it is supposed to be a cool moment where they see their hard work for winning the event actually mean something. Don’t turn it into a sour moment for the enemy by wiping half of them off a point because they were 100m away from where it was actually called in. The kills from this count as a suicide which lowers rank.