Introduction #
This guide outlines procedures for admins during server seeding. Seeding is critical for populating the server. Our primary goal during seeding is to ensure balanced gameplay when the server goes “live” (reaches full player count). Unbalanced starts lead to frustrating experiences. Unlike Squad, a specific layert for seeding isn’t possible. The midline rule is key to achieving this balance, and this version clarifies how players can interact with objectives at the midline.
What is Seeding? #
Seeding is the low-player-count phase where we actively manage gameplay to attract more players. These rules are designed to:
- Prevent Early Domination: By limiting captures beyond the midline, we prevent one team from gaining a decisive advantage before the server is full. When the server is full and the restriction is lifted, both teams will have a relatively equal number of objectives, leading to a more competitive match.
- Encourage Active Gameplay: Allowing fighting at the midline objectives keeps players engaged, even if they can’t fully capture them yet.
Seeding Rules #
- Players may FIGHT ON and AROUND objectives located ON the midline. This creates a contested zone and keeps this spicy during seeding.
- Players may NOT CAPTURE objectives BEYOND their team’s side of the midline. This is the key restriction.
- The “midline” is the approximate center line between the starting bases. Admins should use map knowledge (and communicate clearly). Use a prominent landmark(s) or objectives.
- Goal: Ideally the starting objectives will be an even number. Aim for a 3-to-3 (or equivalent) balance of captured objectives at the start of the full game. If the map/scenario has an uneven number of starting objectives, adjust the midline slightly to achieve approximate balance before lifting the restriction. The goal is to prevent a large disparity in objective control when the server fills.
Admin Responsibilities During Seeding #
- Active Monitoring:
- Constantly monitor player count, chat, and objective status.
- Be present and responsive.
- Enforcing the Midline Rule (Progressive Enforcement):
- Initial Announcement: At the start (and periodically), announce the midline rule (chat & /amsg – see below).
- Gentle Reminders: If players attempt to capture beyond the midline, remind them.
- Warnings: For repeated violations, issue a clear warning.
- “Lightning Bolt” (Removal from Objective): Use GM tools to instantly remove a player from an objective they are illegally capturing. Preferred over teleport, keeps players near the action. Explain the action in chat.
- Kicks/Bans: Only for persistent, intentional disruption (i.e. Seed Menace) after multiple warnings and interventions.
- Encouraging Engagement:
- Be positive, welcoming, and have some fun with it.
- Suggest attacking/defending specific objectives.
- If things start to get dull after long seeding, consider spawning some AI to attack objectives held by the teams.
- Using /amsg for Popup Alerts:
- Use /amsg for popup messages. See: Admin Broadcast Message
- Example:
/amsg ++ ALERT ++ The server is seeding! You can FIGHT ON midline objectives (e.g., [Landmark]), but cannot CAPTURE beyond your side. This ensures balanced gameplay when full.
- Repeat every 15-20 minutes.
- Knowing When to Lift the Seeding Rules:
- 64 players
- Announce clearly (chat & /amsg).
- Example:
/amsg ++ ALERT ++ The Server has seeded. Midline rule lifted! All objectives open. Thanks for seeding!
- If player count drops below, seeding rules can be reinstated.
Sample Seeding Alerts #
Generic Templates
/amsg ++ ALERT ++ Seeding in progress! You can battle for Objectives [A][B]. Do not capture beyond the midline during seeding.
/amsg ++ ALERT ++ The Server has seeded and seeding rules are lifted. All objectives open. Thanks for seeding!
Seeding by Map & Scenario #
New Everon #
Keep fighting along the midline. Points Lamentin, Campgrounds, and Farm are fair to fight over. The South should not attack OPCharlie, Montignac, Entre Deux, or Coastal Chotain and the North should not attack LeMoule, Figari or Laruns.

Attention | Seeding active (<64 players). Fight along the midline zone (056–065) and at Lamentin, Campground, Farm. Do not cross or fire into the enemy side!
Chernarus #
Keep fighting along the midline. ONLY Krona, Airfield, and Radio are fair game. Ideally mostly on/around Airfield. Northern bias on this map.

Attention | Seeding active (<64 players). Fight along the midline zone (092-098) and at Krona, Airfield, Radio. Do not cross or fire into the enemy side!
Rostov #
Keep fighting along the midline. Points Outpost, Quarry, and Northern Farm. Events at Quarry can set back the southern team if they don’t hold it at round start.

Attention | Seeding active (<64 players). Fight along the midline zone (036–045) and at Outpost, Quarry, Northern Farm. Do not cross or fire into the enemy side!