Squiddy Profile Pictures

One of the coolest things we’ve done in this org is giving members the opportunity to get custom profile pictures for everyone to utilize.

Requesting a Profile Pic #

Wanting one of these? As part of our membership program, we have an in-house graphics director who can spin them up for you, at no cost.

We ask that you follow the following steps:

  • Head to 💀︱member-hub on Discord
  • Press “Profile Picture/Emoji Request”
  • Let us know your Requested Theme; Colours you would like; Thoughts for Designer; and Request Type

We will process your request within a week or so.

Requesting an “Emoji Style Profile Picture” #

Once you have your profile picture from the steps above, we do offer a service with our contract graphic designer.

These are a paid service

Subscribe on Tebex
Donate to Paypal

Once your payment is submitted, here are the steps to follow

  • Head to 💀︱member-hub on Discord
  • Press “Profile Picture/Emoji Request”
  • Enter in the description of your preferred design, or if you’d like it based off of your profile picture.
  • If you wish, you can let us know your Requested Theme; Colours you would like; Thoughts for Designer.

Note that it’s for an emoji profile picture. If you want original, just leave those fields with N/A besides the last one.*

What are your feelings
Updated on February 8, 2025