Rules and Server information for ARMA Reforger by The Unnamed


We invest entirely in our ARMA server performance, automations, admin tools and more! 

These servers are built in collaboration


Green Mountain Gaming was created by a group of Squad Players and Friends out of the depths of another beloved squad community. They offer tactically fulfilling gameplay while also focusing on fostering a respectful, friendly, non-toxic, admin accessible community.


Show of Force is where the spirit of camaraderie and positive community interaction thrives! At Show of Force, we've crafted an all-inclusive community that serves as a dynamic space where individuals like you can come together, push your limits, and collaborate as a team.

Impact FORGE (IF)

We are a video game developer and publisher creating exciting experiences. Step into the action with UNN Modded servers, utilizing new vehicles, uniforms, weapons and patches to enhance your existing Reforger Experience!

Powered by PSG

Get your own squad server and support us too via the link below!

all ARMA server rules

Server rules

The Unnamed Servers operated on a system that is of zero-tolerance. While we practice discretion, all administrators reserve the right to protect our game server and community at large. You may not be warned before removal, it is entirely up to the admin and the situation in order to measure their punishment. This rule list is not exhaustive, but we try our best. We understand that all players are humans and make mistakes, we will always work with you but our goal is to promote the best experience possible. The administrators goal is to balance that gameplay, and are actively allowed to enforce rules that may not be in this list, but are in the best interest of the game at large. You may be kicked, banned, game banned for violating rules in the game of ARMA. Players are also able to be removed for statements that go against our community health statements.

All players are expected to follow The Unnamed Community Health Standards, upon entry to our services. These rules are your warning! Admins are free to punish how they see fit.

In-game Game Masters reserve the right to move/delete/add AI assets to balance the map for reason of prolonged gameplay. They also reserve the right to strip you of all your clothing, and force you to walk back to active objectives.

Do not direct message staff on Discord, use our ticketing system.

Seeding is when the servers are at low populations (Sub 64 players). 

See our Seeding Guide

- Midline Restriction: Fight on and around midline objectives, but do NOT capture objectives beyond your team's side of the midline.
- Midline Definition: The approximate center line on the map between starting bases.
- Purpose: To ensure balanced gameplay when the server reaches full population
- AFK kick is turned off during seeding, so feel free to AFK
- Admin Enforcement: Admins will remind, warn, and may use "Spontaneous Lightning Bolts", "Artillery Strikes", clothing strips, spawn ai or kick for persistent violations
- Please focus on objectives in the middle of the map, and do not go past these areas. Allowing both teams to build up, whilst keeping the gameplay fun and engaging
- GMs may do in-game events that incentivize these seeding activities, they are allowed to give in-game prizes in order to award the victor.

ARMA communication channels are intended for use by mature adults. Text, voice, imagery, and sound clips containing excessive profanity, obscenity, insults, personal attacks, accusations, abusive language, or political ideologies/messages are strictly prohibited.

Using wildcards (*) to bypass our language filters is still considered profanity, as is using abbreviations that represent profanity.

Abusive Language and Actions:

  • Racist, misogynistic, sexist, bigoted, discriminatory, and ableist language (e.g., "retard") is strictly prohibited.
  • Harassment, abuse, and bullying will not be tolerated.
  • Toxicity and trolling of other players are not allowed.
  • Politics, or political insults are not allowed
  • In-game channels are for gameplay discussion only. Admins may clear chat channels and remove individuals using them in an abusive manner.
  • Administrative actions and policies are not to be discussed in-game. All such discussions should take place on our Discord, where transcripts and accountability measures are used.
  • Discord rules are available on Discord. Staff can only be contacted through the ticketing system.
  • Our Discord is an extension of our game server products; actions on Discord will result in in-game punishment.
  • Advertising other communities is prohibited and will be enforced
  • Player names must contain at least three Latin/english characters.
  • Impersonating members or staff is strictly prohibited.
  • Do not communicate on enemy radio channels. 
  • Cheating, Hacking, Exploitation, Terrain Exploitation, 3rd Party Programs designed to influence gameplay, is prohibited.
  • Ghosting, which is sharing information to the enemy team, or about the enemy team to your teammates (ticket counts, malicious intelligence), is prohibited.
  • Players who have a game ban of 365 days or more on other epic / steam games, may not be able to enter and must discuss their ban with our appeal team on discord. 
  • Ban Evasion will not be tolerated.
  • Players must join squads, and are recommended to actively participate in supporting active objectives (PTFO)
  • Please help your team with logistics, no one likes a steam role! 
  • Help your team, do not troll or hinder them. Especially do not deliver supplies that are actively being utilized by a friendly player.
  • No camping enemy mains, you may not be between the first towns and the enemy main base. Support and play active objectives that are assigned via the game mode.
  • Do not wear enemy uniforms, as this is unfair gameplay. You will be kicked / banned if found wearing enemy uniforms. 
  • Do not wear enemy armbands under any circumstances. We recommend you wear your armband, as you may be the victim of accidental teamkills.
  • Teamkilling is not appropriate, please refrain from doing so.
  • If you are caught intentionally teamkilling, you will be removed from our services.
  • You may not abuse the vote kick system, nor shall you initiate a vote kick on an active GM. 
  • Intentional Heli Ramming is not allowed.
  • Please do not build tons of assets, this does not help server performance. GM's may remove assets if they're affecting server performance. Limit yourself to a few assets. Structures that perform a function, such as bunkers, arsenals, or anything that is interactable is not affected by this rule.

Our Community Health Standards are important

Are you banned?