We are a community that grows by the day, built on a framework that focuses on family, friendships, and respect.
You should never feel alone while gaming, The Unnamed offers a large diversity of members to help support you in your gaming adventures.
We vision a community that strives to accept everyone, members that uphold the values we share of an open / inclusive community.
Is to provide a top-tier gaming community, where members can take ownership in the community they call home, and help shape it to be "the" place to be.
We value each and every individual no matter their background, status, position or the like. We just ask that you don't be a dick. Everyone deserves respect, and if you cannot respect that, then you do not deserve ours.
The Unnamed is a huge proponent of in-house skills, through offering subscriptions, tools, education, support and even platforms for you to grow your content creation careers. Whether it’s via our own brand, your brand, or our brand – together we’re a team and focused on helping you grow.
Want to be a part of our community staff? We're always looking for people to help uphold our values, practice their skills or learn new skills. Our community welcomes with thousands of gamers from all across the globe. Managing that level of individuals requires a large staff team, and dedicated players to ensure our gaming services are the best they can be.
Our community will stand behind you and your endeavours, and we will support you in whatever way we can. The Unnamed offers a variety of in-house tools such as Artificial Intelligence, Server Infrastructure, Automations and more. Want to help us build "the" place to play? Build your skills with us!
Every step of the way, we'll be there for you. Through the rough times and the best of times. You can expect our members to believe in you, our staff to support you, and our community to empower you. The Unnamed gives away a lot of gifts every year as an appreciation to those who support us, including charitable donations to places like The Kids Cancer Care Society of Alberta, Battle of the Bricks and more.
The Recruit Hub contains information regarding how to join The Unnamed, basic rules and requirements, helpful tips that can assist you in your trial period with us, and you can